California Aikido Association (CAA)

The California Aikido Association (CAA) is a worldwide community of teachers, dojos, and aikidoka whose primary common bond is the art we practice.  It is fortunate to have within its membership many teachers with varied backgrounds and complementary skills. As such, the CAA embraces many stylistic and technical traditions, but is guided by the physical and philosophical ideals established by the founder, Morihei Ueshiba.  The CAA is an officially recognized organization by the Aikikai Foundation, Hombu Dojo, Tokyo, Japan.

14th IAF Conference in Tokyo

This conference and training only happens every 4 years (the last one was in 2016 due to COVID in 2020). More than 1000 aikidoka participated this year. The IAF currently has 88 member countries, many of whom were at the conference.

Many members of the CAA (from all 3 divisions) attended this conference, including Division Heads Patricia Hendricks and Michael Friedl. Many other United States dojos and organizations (including the USAF and the Aikido World Alliance) also were there. Below is a photo of the attendees from the US (taken October 6, 2024). As you can see from the photo, this was an amazing time where we trained and connected with aikidoka from all over our country and in many different organizations.

In addition, member countries were given the opportunity to do an Embukai, Here is a link to the demo that Patricia Hendrick, Shihan (one of two groups representing the US ) gave.

— Shrdlu

The Kagami Biraki Promotions are out.

Congratulations to the 19 members and the 3 members who received Shihan. See