Yudansha Application Instructions — CAA


Reviewed August 18, 2023

1. Check that your dojo has been a member of the CAA for at least one year. 
2. The dojo-cho must verify that the student satisfies the minimum requirement of years in rank and training days.
It is the responsibility of the dojo-cho to keep track of training days for their students. 
- For nidan or above, training days are from the date of registration of the last rank (not the date of the previous exam).
- The date of registration of each dan rank is listed in the yudansha book. 
- A training day is defined as one day regardless of the number of times an individual trained that day. 
3. The student will submit the online application form including the names of all members of the testing board. The processing clerk will verify the application with these Examiners and the Division Head. This application may be submitted in advance of the examination, but it is not required.
4. Payment must be included with the application.
- Paypal is preferred, submit the payment to: cal.aikido.treasurer@gmail.com
- If necessary, checks and money orders payable to California Aikido Association or CAA may be submitted to CAA mailing address (delays may occur). 
- Included in the registration fee for shodan is a new yudansha book and card.  Do not submit the $35 fee for a yudansha book. 
5. If the application is for nidan and above, the student will mail their yudansha book with seminar attendance to the CAA mailing address. Seminar attendance is required. 
6. If the yudansha book is missing, the student should submit a list of seminar attendance to cal.aikido.clerk@gmail.com.  A new yudansha book must be ordered using the document replacement form on the same page as the application form.  A $35 fee is required in this case.